Bletchley Milton Keynes Lions Club
Charity Incorporated Organisation Registered Charity 1193777

Lions Clubs International British Isles
District 105A
Tel 0345 833 9592
Click on the Title to open the Link for more information
“Notice to Visitors to the Website or Facebook Page of Lions Clubs International MD105 British Isles: Please be advised that we will never ask anyone seeking a grant from Lions Clubs International or from any Lions Club to make any payment to secure a Lions grant.

Welcome to the Bletchley, Milton Keynes Lions Club ' website from President Catherine Piggott
Our Lions Club supports a range of good causes and projects in our local area where you can get involved. We organise remarkable and memorable fundraising activities. We also support both National and International projects with memorable fundraising activities. All profits raised going direct to good causes. We have been doing this for the past 51 years. Lions Club International has been doing it since 1917. Look around our website and see for yourself. If you feel you would like to get involved in any way or would like more information, give us a call or send us an email. We are friendly and won’t bite.
President Catherine Piggott

Message in a Wallet, a new emergency information service, based on the established Message in a Bottle scheme, Message in a Wallet has proved to very popular with the doctors surgeries in Bletchley and Leighton Buzzard at this moment in time, with the Corona virus . The new scheme provides users with a printed form on which individuals can record any medication, illnesses or allergies they may have, together with a contact name, in case they are taken ill whilst away from home. It also includes information about any dependent who is left at home or even a much-
loved pet that may need looking after. The form folds up into a small plastic cover, designed to be kept in a wallet or handbag. Some other Lions Clubs have introduced the scheme in their areas. It is ideal for the elderly, people with disabilities, walkers, lone walkers, carers, cyclists, motorists. The card is kept inside your wallet or handbag and provides the emergency Services with a contact name and vital details of any illness or allergy you may have, if they are called to an emergency involving you. There is no charge for this service, if you want any to distribute or just let Chris know Telephone number 0345 833 9592.
Bletchley Lions at Bletchley Carnival
Bletchley Lions had a stall at Bletchley Carnival with a tombola
Lions donate a Bleed Control Kit to
Red House Surgery in Bletchley
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Message in a Wallet

Donations made in 2022-2023 by Bletchley Lions

Lion John handing a bleed control kit to Doctor Staten with Lion Graham
Click on the image above to see Bletchley MK Lions Facebook page.
This scheme is free to the user. Whilst it is focused on the more vulnerable people in our community, anyone can have an accident or become ill,
this scheme can benefit anyone, including you! As a minimum it will save the
Emergency Services valuable time identifying you and your emergency contacts. By telling whether you have special medication needs or allergies, it is a potential lifesaver, providing peace of mind to users and their friends and families.
The Lions Message in a Bottle scheme is a simple idea designed to encourage people to keep their personal and medical details on a standard form and in a common location - their fridge. If the emergency services, see the Green Cross sticker they know immediately where to look for the information they need.
Whilst MIAB is focused on the more vulnerable in a community, anyone and everyone could benefit, including you!

Message in a Wallet

Lion Ann, Mike and Catherine attending The Buckingham Craft fair
The Bletchley Lions donate £ 500 to the Spinal Injuries Association

Spinal Injuries Association is the expert, guiding voice for life after spinal cord injury. SIA provides practical and emotional support in healthcare settings and in the community to help people living with spinal cord injuries rebuild
their life

MK Hospital thanking the Lions for their help

Lions working at MK Hospital
running a Raffle and a shop
Bleed Control Kits in association with Bletchley Milton Keynes Lions Club
The Bletchley Lions Club heard about ‘The Daniel Baird Foundation’ and wanted to find out more in how Lions Clubs could help this need in communities.
The Daniel Baird Foundation have been campaigning to have bleed control kits in all pubs, restaurants, nightclubs and anywhere where knife crime can happen?However, it is obviously not just knife crime that can lead to massive bleeds and so having them in all publicly accessible places such as shops, restaurants, pubs, petrol stations, cinemas, takeaway outlets, offices will save lives.The aim is to have Bleed Control Kits in as many publicly accessible places as possible.The average time for a priority ambulance to reach a patient is currently 7 minutes. Catastrophic bleeding from a trauma injury such as a stabbing, shooting or road traffic collision can prove fatal in 3-5 minutes. The bleed control kits can provide a few vital minutes until the ambulance arrives.